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Communications Committee

    Communications Committee

    Chairwoman, Susi Layton

    To contact the Communication Committee, please click here.

    Committee Members

    Beth Parker (calendar, communication, newsletter), Susi Layton (Facebook), and Isabella Layton (Instagram) 

    Communication is a multi-layered process. The ASA needs to keep our membership informed about the club activities, new developments in the breed itself, and to also alert the general public about the Stabyhoun. For our members, the team prepares an annual calendar full of fun pictures of our Stabys and three newsletters which keep them entertained and informed. The website and published articles are for members and dog lovers everywhere.

    Beth Parker joined our committee in 2017 with a great new idea for our newsletter layout. She has a handsome male named Eddie, who is ready for a girlfriend!  Ladies line up!

    Susi Layton has been active in volunteer work for our club for many years.  She is now taking on the added challenge of being the Chair of our committee!  Susi has two Staby, Eelke a 12 year old female and Félix a 2 yr old male.

    Susi’s daughter, Isabella Layton, has agreed to bring us into the 21st century by giving the ASA an Instagram presence!