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Education and Training Committee

    Education and Training Committee

    Chairwoman, Elaine Wallace

    To contact the Puppy Development, please click here.

    To contact the Training Committee, please click here.

    Committee Groups

    The education and training of our Stabys is a key element in the mental stimulation and health of the breed. This is a sporting breed and as such these dogs will thrive when asked to perform a task, be it basic obedience or a challenging activity such as agility or following a scent whether in competition or the backyard.

    Committee Chair

    Elaine Wallace Lives in Missouri with her 2 Stabyhouns, Larks and Aletta, her Golden Retriever Ciri, and her Beauceron Chanel. Elaine studied at the Canine Specialty in Kansas City. Elaine is studying to complete the Dognostics Training Course. She is an AKC Evaluator and a member of Pet Partners. Elaine is an expert with Zig Zag – an on-line puppy intervention service.

    Ain’t Misbehavin Committee Chair and Consultant

    Cindy Pfister is a dog trainer and a behavior expert.  Her talents as a behaviorist and knowledge of the “inner thoughts” and workings of the Stabyhoun make her talents essential in evaluating and helping with Stabyhouns remain stable and mentally healthy canine partners.  Cindy has been able to turn around some fearful or “alpha” Stabys in to the perfect pet for several owners and is happy to contribute her time and resources to those in need.  Cindy also serves as a coach and judge for Canine Good Citizen, Farm Dog and Barn Hunt.

    Megan Hilf is a licensed veterinarian.  She serves as a consultant on an “as needed” basis for the other members of the behavior committee when they determine that more than basic behavioral modification is needed.  She brings not only her own experience through her practice but years of ongoing training and education.  With her input to the Behavior Committee she can offer critical – as needed – advice with difficult behavioral issues.

    Puppy Development Committee Chair

    Jessica Angel lives in Edmonds, Washington with her husband, John Harrison.  Jessica, not only has Finn, a young handsome Stabyhoun, but other furry, feathery and scaley pets.  Finn is Jessica and John’s first Stabyhoun. Jessica combines her love of animals with her career.  She works as a Veterinary Assistant.  Her daily work is a constant routine of helping to solve problems – both owner and pet problem solving.  Jessica brings a wealth of knowledge, creativity and experience to the American Stabyhoun Association.  Jessica’s Training Philosophy includes confident leadership combined with positive reinforcement.  She will promote and help our puppy owners work on early and appropriate socialization – tailored to our Stabyhouns, help our puppy owners learn desensitization techniques along with age appropriate activities.  Jessica does a lot of activities with Finn: Parkhour, nose work, Positive Gun Dog Training, dock diving – to name only a few of their  activities together.