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ASA Membership Application Form

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ASA Membership Application Form

"*" indicates required fields

This is a form for submitting a new application to the ASA for membership.

Spouse or Partner's Name
Will you exhibit or train your Stabyhoun for:
The Ameri-Can Stabyhoun Association has no paid staff and is run entirely by member volunteers. If accepted for membership in the ASA, I would be willing to volunteer:
Would you like your contact information to appear in the “Membership Directory” which appears in the “Members Only” section of the ASA website? It will assist other Staby owners close by to get in touch with you for gatherings and play dates! Please indicate:*

Your Stabyhoun Info

If you do not yet own a Staby, please leave this blank and send the information below to the ASA Membership Chairman when you have received your pedigrees, etc. If you have more Stabyhouns, please notify us separately.
Date of Birth
Sex of Dog
Color of Dog

If more than one Staby, please send us the information in an email to: Thank you.

Payment Method*

Membership year runs from July 1 to June 30. All memberships approved on or after April 1 will be applied for the balance of the current and the following year. You will be redirected to the PayPal site to pay. If you prefer to send the ASA a check, the address: Ameri-Can Stabyhoun Association c/o Phil Frey, Treasurer 1161 Kneese Road, Fredericksburg, TX 78624

PLEASE NOTE THAT MEMBERSHIP IS NOT AUTOMATIC AND IS DETERMINED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE BOARD. If for any reason your membership application is denied, we will refund your application fee.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.