Specialty 2019 – Photo Contest
Don’t we all think Stabys are the cutest?
The Ameri-Can Stabyhoun Association invites you to enter its 2019 Specialty Photo Contest. Get those cameras ready and show us through one or more pictures what makes your Staby special.
The deadline for submitting photos is June 1, 2019.
There are 5 Photo categories:
S – Something in my mouth
T – Training (agility, obedience, therapy….)
A – Action shots (your Staby jumping, running….)
B – Baby Stabys
Y – You are so funny
Here are the rules, how to enter and where to send your photos:
There will be five winners, one from each category. Winners will be guaranteed a spot in the 2020 ASA Calendar and announced at the Specialty Banquet. They will also receive a prize.
Photos may be submitted by sending them to: Photos@stabyhouns.org
Please use .png or .jpg format and compress photos in a zip file if sending 3 or more photos.
All photos should preferably be in a horizontal format to work in the calendar page best. Please name and submit as in the following example: OwnerLastName_DogName_Category.jpg or OwnerLastName_DogName_Category.png
Examples: Borst_Star_S.jpg; Borst_Star_T.png
Professional photos with a watermark will not be accepted.
Photos must be original, unpublished, and not photoshopped. No filters please
Please use high resolution images.
The chances of winning depend on the number of qualifying entries in each category and the number of votes received from Specialty attendees.
Entry fee is $5 for the 1st photo and $2 for each additional photo. Please submit your photos (Photos@stabyhouns.org) by email with the subject line “Specialty Photo Contest” and choose an option below to pay for your submittals.
Deadline to submit photos is June 1, 2019.